Rock & Metal

Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Flea Defends ‘Dumb’ Music Against ‘Clever’ Sound

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Flea recently took to X (formerly Twitter) to share his disdain for “clever” music, sparking an engaging discussion about authenticity in art. “My least favorite thing in music is ‘clever,’” the Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist posted. When a fan asked for clarification, Flea elaborated, explaining, “Just any music where people aren’t getting the fuk down to their hearts blood. I love great arrangements and supreme virtuosity and harmonic knowledge, but the main thing is the get down. It comes dumb and it comes intellectual, but ‘clever’ is different.”

This insight aligns with Flea’s artistic philosophy, as expressed in a 2022 interview with Bass Player. Reflecting on his approach to playing bass, he said, “I think about playing bass – particularly as it relates to the Red Hot Chili Peppers – as like a river. I want to live my life in a way that allows me to open myself up enough for this cosmic, spiritual river to flow through me.” Flea emphasized the joy he finds in his craft, describing his love for his ’61 Fender Jazz bass and the profound connection he feels while playing.

Flea also addressed his evolution as a musician, noting he never consciously aimed to “show off.” Instead, he focused on cultivating a unique sound that felt authentically his own, even while admiring virtuosos like Jaco Pastorius and Marcus Miller.

However, not everyone shares Flea’s perspective. Gene Simmons of KISS expressed a contrasting opinion in an October interview with Guitar World, criticizing Flea’s style as being more about showmanship than songwriting. Simmons admitted he dislikes slap bass sounds and prefers simpler riffs that prioritize memorable melodies over technical flair.

Flea’s comments underscore his commitment to raw emotion and authenticity in music, valuing genuine connection over technical cleverness. While opinions like Simmons’ highlight the diversity in how artistry is perceived, Flea’s passion for his craft continues to resonate with fans worldwide.

I'm Emma. I Love rock music, doing guitar reviews, and making food. I love writing works because it is the best way to provide information to people.

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