Sharon den Adel and Within Temptation have remained firm in their political stance, even when faced with backlash. While they initially avoided being overly political in their early years, Sharon noted that the state of the world in recent years has made it more important for them to use their platform to speak out. She acknowledged that their music has always been influenced by politics, though more subtly through metaphors, but the growing instability in the world has compelled them to take a stand.
Sharon emphasized that as a band with a significant following, they feel it’s important to speak up on issues and share their values. While they have received criticism, particularly after their support of Pride, Sharon expressed that they don’t regret it. In fact, she was surprised by how many people were upset by their message of equality but ultimately appreciated that it helped clarify the band’s supporters and removed those who didn’t align with their values.
She also made it clear that within the political discourse, they aren’t attacking or criticizing but simply engaging in discussion, hoping to encourage people to think critically and embrace new ideas. For Sharon, standing for values like equality and democracy is vital, especially in such turbulent times.