Drumeo recently put Eloy Casagrande to the test, challenging him to learn and perform Mastodon’s “Blood and Thunder” as quickly as possible. The track, from Mastodon’s 2004 album *Leviathan*, is known for its complex rhythms and intense drumming. After his third attempt, Casagrande reflected on the difficulty of replicating Brann Dailor’s distinctive drumming style:
“I never tried to play with a Mastodon song, and Brann [Dailor, Mastodon drummer], he has such a unique voice, unique way of playing. So, I really have to spend more time on it. You know, I had to really understand how he plays all these notes, all these drum fills.”
He also humorously acknowledged the challenge of performing the song authentically:
“I think I’m gonna try to play one, at least, so that people can understand which song I’m playing. ‘Oh, he’s playing a Mastodon song, okay?’ And he’s trying to play like Brann. I’m sorry, Brann. I wish I could do better for you, but I’m dying. You can see it.”
Mastodon’s Brann Dailor responded to Casagrande’s efforts with encouragement. After watching Casagrande’s attempt, Dailor praised his performance:
“Hey there, old pal Eloy! I heard what they did to you. They made you play ‘Blood and Thunder,’ and they made you learn it on the spot, and hey, I’m sorry about it. You nailed it. Oh, that’s cool. I’m, uh, very, very stoked to hear someone with Eloy’s caliber playing ‘Blood and Thunder.’ That’s such a cool thing.”
Mastodon is currently celebrating the 20th anniversary of *Leviathan* with a tour, playing “Blood and Thunder” as part of their set. They will continue performing in the US throughout the summer. Meanwhile, Eloy Casagrande is set to join Slipknot on their tour, starting in Noblesville, Indiana, in August.