Editorial Policy

Karkpost is fully owned & operated by Pollux Media, a publishing company founded in 2020.

Our mission is to create unbiased news and the latest updates on the entertainment world. We have strict rules in journalism and trustworthy news.


• Each article has an accurate headline
• Our articles add new information that is of value to our readers
• We reach out for comment when the facts are unclear

Accurate headlines and adding value to the reader

Delivering quality content to our readers is our fundamental goal as a publisher. We seek to establish trust with our readers so they can know that the information they find on our sites is credible and reliable.

The first step in that process is to ensure that our headlines are accurate. If we publish rumors, fan theories, or other industry buzz that is interesting to our readers but not 100% confirmed, we state as such in our headlines and clearly within the opening paragraphs of the articles. Our goal with all of our content is to provide context and a unique approach to covering the news in a way that our readers find compelling and interesting. Our headlines are created to showcase the unique perspective we offer to our readers, but they steer clear of clickbait tactics or other cheap tricks. Our quality standards and in-house editing processes are in place to ensure that the content within each article delivers on the promise that the headline makes to the reader.

Before publishing, our writers vigorously vet their planned coverage to ensure that new articles add something to the ongoing conversation about that topic. Our goal is to add value to the conversation with new insights and information, not retread what we’ve already covered.

Proper journalism best practices

Many of the writers on our team are veterans of their craft, and have adhered to professional journalistic practices since their careers began. But to ensure all of our writers are on the same page, we provide them with our expectations about using credible sources, proper attribution, and responsible fact-checking practices at the start of their employment with us. We stress the importance of research and objectivity in their reporting, along with how to properly use data sets, quotes, and other original source material.

Checking for comment

If we plan to publish an article in which information is not 100% confirmed (such as industry rumors or leaks), our standard is to reach out to the individual, entity, or their respective PR personnel for comment. Our articles will state whether we received a response to that request for comment, so readers know who we attempted to reach in the process of our reporting.

Corrections commitment

As we state in our fact-checking policy, we aim for 100% accuracy in our reporting to maintain trust with our readers. If we become aware that an error occurred in the course of our work, we correct those mistakes as quickly as possible.

To retain transparency, any edits to address factual errors or necessary clarifications will include a correction notice or Editor’s note at the end of the article describing which information was changed. Any incorrect posts to social media or other platforms promoting our content will be similarly corrected.

We will correct all minor errors we are alerted to as well, but if they do not materially alter the meaning or perception of the content (such as small grammatical errors or typos), they might not be accompanied by a correction notice.

Contact: hello@karkpost.com