
Blackie Lawless Admits New W.A.S.P. Album Shattered His Expectations

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In a new conversation with Meltdown of Detroit’s WRIF radio station, Blackie Lawless revealed that the new W.A.S.P. album is taking an unexpected direction.

The singer explained that he initially intended to create a heavy rock record but found his writing taking a deeper turn. He shared his thoughts on the upcoming record:

“Well, when we got ready to start this record a couple years ago, my mindset was I wanted to do a heavy, nasty, stinky rock and roll record. And that’s where my heart was at. But when I started to write, that’s not what was coming out.”

Lawless noted that the music became more complex than he had planned:

“When you first start the process, you think, ‘Okay, we’ll go along with whatever comes out to begin with, but I want to try steering this ship in a different direction as time goes by.’ And that’s just not what was happening. It was stuff that was more in-depth. We did ‘Golgotha,’ a thinking man’s record, and I thought, I don’t want to do that this time.”

He expressed his desire to revisit the album after their tours:

“I want to do something lighter, a little nastier, stinkier old-time rock and roll, but as hard as I was trying to force it in that direction, that’s not what was happening. When we finish this tour and the European tour next year, it’ll be time to start looking at that again in earnest. To give you an honest answer, I’d need a crystal ball to tell you where we’ll end up because I don’t know.”

### Upcoming Touring Plans of W.A.S.P.

W.A.S.P. announced in late May that they will perform their debut album on tour for the first time in 40 years. The band shared in a statement on their website:

“‘Album ONE Alive!’, the title of W.A.S.P.’s upcoming North American Tour. August 17, 2024, marks the 40th anniversary of the release of W.A.S.P.’s first album. To celebrate this classic metal album, W.A.S.P. will, for the first time in 40 years, play the entire album from top to bottom, start to finish, on their North American tour this fall.”

W.A.S.P. will begin a tour of 39 cities starting October 26 in San Luis Obispo and ending December 14 in Los Angeles. Death Angel and Unto Others will join them for most shows.

You can listen to Lawless’ full interview below.

I'm Emma. I Love rock music, doing guitar reviews, and making food. I love writing works because it is the best way to provide information to people.

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