
Dee Snider Shares One Condition Skid Row Would Reunite With Sebastian Bach

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In a recent interview, a rock musician discussed why a famous band has been hesitant to reunite with its original singer, despite fans’ requests. The musician set a clear condition for the reunion, explaining:

“The original singer is very intense, and I love him, but just like my own band, they came to hate me and wanted nothing to do with me. I had an epiphany and went through a lot in the ’90s and 2000s, and I’m a different person now. I was difficult to deal with back in the ’80s. My band reunited with me because I changed, and now we are friends again.”

When asked if the reunion would happen, the musician replied:

“Until everyone gets over themselves, it’s never going to happen.”

The band’s former lead singer performed with them from 1987 to 1996. After completing a major tour in 1993, the band took a long break, and the singer was eventually fired in 1996.

Last month, a current band member revealed in an interview why a reunion is unlikely. He explained:

“We’ve been torn apart by ex-members saying terrible things about us. We choose not to respond because it’s not who we are. We just want to play music and be happy. This has never been about money. We’ve been offered a lot to reunite, but it’s not about that. I prioritize my happiness, my relationships with my best friends, being a good husband and dad, and a good bandmate. We choose to play with people who keep these things in line for all of us.”

Despite the challenges, the musician remains focused on the positive aspects of their current career and personal life.

I'm Emma. I Love rock music, doing guitar reviews, and making food. I love writing works because it is the best way to provide information to people.

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