
Duff McKagan Feels ‘Punk Rock Guilt’ Over Guns N’ Roses Fame

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Duff McKagan, renowned bassist of Guns N’ Roses, is grappling with a unique sense of guilt tied to his fame with the band.

In a recent interview with Stereogum, McKagan delved into the complexities of fame and the meteoric success of Guns N’ Roses’ iconic hit ‘Sweet Child o’ Mine.’ Reflecting on his journey, McKagan confessed to experiencing what he termed as “punk rock guilt,” a sensation rooted in the juxtaposition of his punk ethos with the trappings of fame:

“I wrestled with this punk rock guilt, a genuine phenomenon. Yet, upon reflection, I realized that none of this was handed to me on a silver platter. I earned every bit of it through relentless hard work. But navigating this newfound fame? That took years to master.”

Delving deeper into the impact of fame on his life, McKagan harked back to earlier interviews where he grappled with the repercussions of Guns N’ Roses’ monumental success. He candidly revealed the loneliness he experienced when he realized that many viewed him solely through the lens of his achievements:

“Much like the resonance of ‘Sweet Child o’ Mine,’ the overwhelming success of our ‘Appetite for Destruction’ album catapulted us into a stratosphere of fame. Suddenly, the world was asking questions I’d never encountered before. ‘How has this changed you?’ became a recurring inquiry. It dawned on me that it didn’t change who I was, but rather altered how people perceived me.”

McKagan elaborated on the tangible shifts in his life brought about by fame:

“I observed a surge in my social circle, a sudden enhancement in my humor, and even an unexpected surge in attractiveness as I found myself courted by individuals beyond my usual league. The realization hit me: it was all because of the band, our presence on MTV, and the like. Yet, amidst this whirlwind, a sense of isolation crept in. Recognizing this reality was a profound moment of reckoning.”

For those yet to experience the sonic journey of ‘Appetite for Destruction,’ McKagan offers a candid glimpse into the transformative power of fame and its intricate effects on personal identity.

I'm Emma. I Love rock music, doing guitar reviews, and making food. I love writing works because it is the best way to provide information to people.

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