
Gene Simmons Confirms KISS Will Continue After The Farewell Tour

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Gene Simmons of Kiss recently had a conversation with Dan Savoie from 519 magazine, where he delved into the details of the band’s “End of the Road” farewell tour, concluding this December in New York City. Simmons highlighted that while the tour signifies the band’s final curtain call, the Kiss legacy will persist beyond their stage performances.

Simmons emphasized, “This tour marks the cessation of our band’s journey, but not the Kiss phenomenon. The Kiss world encompasses a multitude of avenues, including films, merchandise, and potentially Broadway endeavors.”

“The band’s chapter may be closing, but the Kiss essence is eternal,” he elaborated. “This is a farewell to touring, but not to Kiss itself.”

He further revealed, “Kiss will maintain its presence. We’ve established a Kiss museum in Las Vegas at the Rio, named Kiss World. Additionally, there’s a line-up of exciting ventures, including Kiss-themed cruises, an upcoming movie, and a cartoon show in the works. Plus, there’s a plethora of toys and games that will continue to bring joy.”

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