
Glen Benton Explains Why Everyone Is Ready To Fight Nowadays

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Glen Benton, frontman of Deicide, recently shared his views on the current state of the Internet and its impact on society during an interview with Sense Music Media.

He expressed dismay over how the online world has transformed into what he describes as a “circus” in recent years:

“I think the Internet has completely made the world a really stupid place. I think it’s generational, but politicians and religious figures, it’s really turned into a real circus over the last 15 years, man. And I think we suffer from a lack of integrity in the world.”

Benton highlighted how societal tensions are exacerbated by political and economic challenges:

“You can find a fight anywhere in this world right now. Everybody is ready to throw down, man. The world is really on edge, with inflation and the global economies, people are angry.”

When discussing his aversion to politics, particularly as the U.S. approaches the 2024 election, Benton expressed deep-seated contempt for political discourse:

“As much as I hate organized religion, I hate politics. Anyone who talks about politics, I can just say, ‘You know what? You’re an *sshole.’ Politics are for *ssholes because it’s such a useless and wasteful topic. I’ve been hearing about change since I was a kid, and it’s still the biggest dumpster fire. So I’d rather take a walk, go ride my bike, or do something more useful with my thoughts than think about a couple of old guys fighting behind a shed somewhere. It’s just stupid.”

The interview provides insight into Benton’s perspective on the societal impacts of the Internet and his strong opinions on politics.

I'm Emma. I Love rock music, doing guitar reviews, and making food. I love writing works because it is the best way to provide information to people.

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