
James Hetfield And Rob Halford Are Caught Rocking Out To Hardcore Punk

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James Hetfield and Rob Halford were recently seen watching Turnstile at Norway’s Tons Of Rock Festival.

Both Halford and Hetfield are known supporters of young metal bands, and their presence at the festival showed their support for Turnstile. A video from the Tons Of Rock Festival in Oslo, held June 26-29, shows them watching Turnstile’s performance from the side of the stage.

### Halford Likes Sleep Token

Halford and Hetfield have praised other young bands in the past. Earlier this year, the Judas Priest vocalist spoke with radio station 93X and praised Sleep Token as one of his current favorite rock bands, saying:

“There’s a lot of importance being put in the direction of this band called Sleep Token. And they’re a really curious band in what they’re putting out in terms of all of these different textures. They’re very difficult to pin down. That’s what I find intriguing as a musician listening to their music. It’s going to a lot of different places, and I think that there isn’t any other band out there right now that’s able to do that. Because most bands have a specific sound and direction and idea that they project.”

Halford also talked about Sleep Token’s singer Vessel and shared his thoughts on their future:

“They have a [singer] called Vessel. One day The Metal God and Vessel will take a selfie together; I predict that. So, there’s something cool.”

### Hetfield’s New Music Discoveries

Hetfield has also been vocal about discovering and supporting new music, though specific examples of his recent discoveries were not detailed in the latest reports.

I'm Emma. I Love rock music, doing guitar reviews, and making food. I love writing works because it is the best way to provide information to people.

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