
Morgan Lander Compares Kittie’s Reunion To Mötley Crüe’s Comeback

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A band recently returned with new records and shows after a more than decade-long break. In a recent chat with a radio station, one of the members compared their reunion to that of another famous rock band:

“As far as that other band, in comparison to us going away and coming back, didn’t they make a big announcement? They signed some stuff saying they would never come back and then went back on that a few years later. For us, it was different because we didn’t make an announcement. And that was intentional.”

She continued:

“For us, the band is a big part of who we are, and we wanted to keep the legacy alive, whether or not we were actively making music and touring. So, there was always a little glimmer of hope that something could happen one day. But we didn’t want to make any grand declarations because we weren’t entirely sure if that was the end. Sometimes life pulls you in a different direction, and that’s okay. You learn more about who you are and what you want out of life. And then, when things are right again like they are now, it’s the right time.”

Another famous rock band had announced their retirement and signed a legally binding agreement to cease touring in 2014. At the time, one of their members told the press:

“Everything must come to an end.

I'm Emma. I Love rock music, doing guitar reviews, and making food. I love writing works because it is the best way to provide information to people.

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