
Ronnie Radke Wants Shadowban Lifted, Appeals Directly To Elon Musk

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Ronnie Radke of Falling In Reverse has called on Elon Musk to lift his shadowban on X, expressing frustration over his restricted visibility despite having a substantial following of half a million users.

In a plea directed at Musk, Radke highlighted instances where he felt unfairly penalized on social media platforms, including being banned on TikTok and Instagram for controversial interactions.

Shadowbanning on X refers to the platform’s practice of limiting a user’s visibility without notifying them, affecting the discoverability of their posts in searches and feeds. Despite Radke’s significant following, he noted receiving disproportionately low engagement on his tweets compared to accounts with contentious content that garnered higher likes and views.

Radke’s relationship with social media has been turbulent, having briefly deleted his X account earlier in the year due to unspecified issues. Despite challenges, he has continued to engage actively on the platform, addressing various topics and navigating the complexities of online criticism.

In a recent interview with Rock Feed, Radke reflected on the disparities between platforms like TikTok and Twitter, where he observed a difference in audience reception based on visual presence. He advised aspiring musicians to brace themselves for online negativity, drawing parallels to how even established figures like Taylor Swift manage public scrutiny without letting it undermine their confidence.

Radke’s message underscores the volatile nature of social media and the resilience required to navigate its pitfalls, urging users to maintain perspective amidst the challenges of digital communication.

I'm Emma. I Love rock music, doing guitar reviews, and making food. I love writing works because it is the best way to provide information to people.

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