Bret Michaels, the iconic lead singer of Poison, is making a triumphant return to the stage after announcing a brief hiatus from touring. In a new video posted to his Instagram, Michaels excitedly shares details about his upcoming performances alongside Vince Neil, the legendary Mötley Crüe vocalist. The pair are set to deliver a high-energy show filled with hits from both Poison and Mötley Crüe. Michaels beams with excitement as he announces:
“Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 19, at the Yaamava Theater in Southern California, Highland. It’s my premiere appearance there, and I’m thrilled to share the stage with my dear friend Vince Neil. We promise you an unforgettable night packed with the biggest hits from Mötley Crüe and Poison—pure rock without any fillers. This reunion, our first since the Stadium Tour, means a lot to us. We’re great friends, charged up and ready to give you a night to remember.”
Following the extensive ‘The Stadium Tour’ in 2022, Michaels dove headfirst into his ‘Parti-Gras’ festivals in 2023, without pausing for a break. As he gears up for ‘Parti-Gras 2.0’ in 2024, Michaels hints at a slower pace ahead. He elaborates:
“Music, to me, is a powerful force that connects, energizes, and enriches our lives, not something that divides us. It accompanies us through our daily experiences, and I’m committed to giving my all in 2024, leaving everything on the stage night after night. However, considering recent health developments and after heartfelt discussions with my doctors and family, I’ve decided to scale back significantly in 2025. I plan to perform only a handful of shows, focusing on my health and rejuvenation, with the Bret Michaels Band and perhaps a special appearance by the original Poison lineup.”
Despite previously indicating a hiatus after the next year, Michaels had mentioned plans for a stadium tour with Poison in 2025, showing his never-ending passion for performing and his dedication to his fans.