
Cinderella’s Fred Coury Blasts Spotify As Industry’s Biggest Threat

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Fred Coury has joined the ranks of artists expressing disdain for Spotify.

Recently, music journalist Mitch Lafon shared the thoughts of the Cinderella drummer regarding the platform on X. Coury’s response to Spotify CEO Daniel Ek’s explanations was notable. He labeled Spotify as the primary threat to the music industry at present:

“If you’re utilizing Spotify, you’re contributing to the problem, plain and simple. Until Ek aligns with the rest, he remains the most significant menace to our craft. Discovering new music is possible across all streaming platforms. And the notion of ‘physical product’? That ship has sailed. A subscriber remains a subscriber.”

In a separate development, Lafon also disseminated Daniel Ek’s remarks about artists and content creation. Ek contended that the cost of content creation was virtually zero, implying that people should be generating more content:

“Given today’s near-zero cost of content creation, individuals can share an abundance of content. This raises questions about the longevity of ideas or music pieces, contrasting short-lived trends with enduring concepts. For instance, we’re witnessing a revival of Stoicism, with insights from Marcus Aurelius retaining relevance over millennia. This prompts reflection: what are the overlooked yet enduring ideas with longevity? Additionally, what are we creating now that will endure for centuries?”

This perspective garnered criticism from music enthusiasts and several other musicians. Consequently, Ek issued a follow-up statement to clarify his stance:
“I’ve taken note of the feedback and wish to address it. It’s evident that my previous statement lacked clarity, particularly regarding my definition of ‘content.’ I understand how it may have seemed reductionist, which wasn’t my intention. To clarify, my original point wasn’t to diminish the effort, time, or resources invested in creating meaningful works, whether music, literature, or other forms of expression.”

Ek also highlighted factors diminishing the ability to innovate in art creation:

“My primary interest was exploring how, amidst this era of constant creation, we can preserve bold, impactful ideas and artworks from being drowned out. The substantial decline in the cost of creation tools has led to an unprecedented surge in content volume. However, creation alone isn’t enough. My focus was on identifying and preserving the most creative, thought-provoking concepts. Regrettably, that didn’t come across clearly, and I take responsibility for that.”

Several rock and metal artists have opted to leave Spotify and withdraw their music from the platform. However, mere removal wasn’t deemed sufficient. Figures such as Michael Sweet of Stryper and Dee Snider of Twisted Sister criticized the CEO for exploiting artists.

Sweet didn’t mince words regarding Spotify’s subscription price hike in the US:

“Despite charging more, they still give paltry sums to the bands who crafted the music.”

He previously rebuffed Ek’s suggestion that artists should increase their output in the streaming era, asserting:

“Artists should follow their instincts, whether they release annually or once a decade. It’s not Ek’s place to dictate. Unfortunately, he wields considerable influence as Spotify dominates music streaming, despite artists earning meager returns.”

Similarly, Snider targeted Ek, advocating severe repercussions for his treatment of musicians:

“The Spotify guy? He should face consequences for his dismissive attitude toward musicians. When confronted with complaints about low earnings, his response was ‘produce more music,’ as if we’re churning out soda cans. It’s insulting and demeaning.”

I'm Emma. I Love rock music, doing guitar reviews, and making food. I love writing works because it is the best way to provide information to people.

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