
Former Skid Row Drummer Shattered Sebastian Bach’s Dreams Of Reunion

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In a revealing interview with Laughingmonkeymusic, Rob Affuso, the former drummer of Skid Row, shared insights into the much-anticipated but ultimately failed reunion of the band.

According to Affuso, the reunion was on the brink of materializing, with schedules aligned and dates set for the summer. However, unforeseen factors led to its cancellation, which he described as a result of “stupid” reasons that could have been resolved.

Affuso expressed his belief that the obstacles to the reunion were avoidable and manageable. Despite this, the plan fell apart about five or six years ago. When asked about the challenge of bringing all original members together, he pointed out that some simply did not want the reunion to happen, which was within their rights.

The lead vocalist, Sebastian Bach, along with Affuso, were notably disappointed when the reunion was called off. Affuso admitted that the failed attempt took a significant emotional toll on him, leading him to focus on personal well-being and enjoyment of life. He remains open to the possibility of a reunion in the future, committing to be fully involved if it ever materializes, but for now, he chooses to move forward without dwelling on what could have been.

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