
Jimmy Page’s three favourite Led Zeppelin songs

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Dave Grohl, the frontman of the Foo Fighters, penned a compelling assessment of Jimmy Page’s musicianship in a Rolling Stone article. He regarded Page as more “freaky” than Jimi Hendrix, describing Hendrix as a “genius on fire” and Page as a “genius possessed.”

Grohl highlighted Page’s unique, human, and imperfect approach to guitar playing, likening it to an “old bluesman on acid.” He emphasized that Page’s guitar was not just an instrument but an “emotional translator,” integral to Led Zeppelin’s unique blend of blues with classical composition. This created a new genre that not only built upon the blues but also brought a fresh emotional intensity to counterculture rock.

Jimmy Page’s three favourite Led Zeppelin songs

Page, as Led Zeppelin’s primary orchestrator, had a significant role in shaping their music. While he had reservations about some tracks, like ‘Livin’ Loving Maid (She’s Just A Woman)’, ‘All of My Love’, and the album ‘In Through The Out Door,’ he mostly supported the band’s work. Contrary to Robert Plant’s view of the band being “overblown,” Page saw their theatricality as crucial.

Regarding his favorite Led Zeppelin songs, Page has narrowed it down to three: ‘Whole Lotta Love’, ‘Kashmir’, and ‘Since I’ve Been Loving You’. ‘

Whole Lotta Love

Whole Lotta Love’ is cherished for its experimental sound, achieved through innovative recording techniques and John Bonham’s drumming.


‘Kashmir’, inspired by a trip to Morocco, is noted for its North African influences and symphonic elements, showcasing Page’s vision of blending guitar with orchestral sounds.

Since I’ve Been Loving You

Lastly, ‘Since I’ve Been Loving You’ is a testament to the band’s cohesive strength and their ability to elevate simple blues into something more complex and emotionally resonant. These songs not only highlight the band’s musical prowess but also their ability to infuse classical complexity into blues roots, making them enduring classics in rock history.

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