
The drummer Dave Grohl called “The king of feel”

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Dave Grohl, a renowned drummer and musician, stands as a towering figure in the music world. His unique charisma captivates audiences whenever he’s before a microphone. But it’s his drumming background that truly distinguishes him. Leading Nirvana and contributing to diverse artists like Tenacious D and Nine Inch Nails, Grohl’s musical roots are deeply embedded in drumming, a passion he maintains even as the frontman of Foo Fighters.

Grohl’s musical journey began unconventionally in Virginia, where he developed his skills by playing along to Rush on his pillows, gaining dexterity and strength. This unconventional approach contributed to his dynamic drumming in songs like “Smells Like Teen Spirit.”

Reflecting on his influences, Grohl credits Neil Peart of Rush and John Bonham of Led Zeppelin for shaping his forceful drumming style. Yet, drumming for Grohl is more than mere power; it’s about understanding a song’s essence. This understanding led him to deliberately keep drums low in the mix for Nirvana’s “Something in the Way,” preserving the song’s delicate balance.

Grohl also admires Ringo Starr’s ability to serve the song, a trait he recognizes as crucial for any drummer. Starr’s skill in delivering fluid drumming that complements other instruments, evident in Beatles’ classics like “Come Together” and “Ticket to Ride,” has deeply influenced Grohl. He regards Starr as the epitome of drumming finesse, blending technical skill with a unique vibe, as he once expressed at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

In comparing Starr’s drumming to other Beatles’ members, Grohl notes the deceptive simplicity of Starr’s style. His straightforward timekeeping in songs like “All You Need is Love” resonated with global audiences, demonstrating that sometimes, simplicity is key. Grohl acknowledges this, stating that the ability to play simple rhythms effectively, like the tom-tom groove in ‘Come Together’, is a mark of true greatness. Despite being perceived as one of the less flashy Beatles, Starr’s drumming has become a foundational element of rock and roll, a sentiment echoed by Grohl in his recognition of Starr’s unique contributions to music.

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