
Chris Daughtry Says Joe Perry Wanted Him To Front Aerosmith

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Former “American Idol” sensation and leader of Daughtry, Chris Daughtry, recently disclosed an unexpected proposition from Aerosmith’s Joe Perry about stepping into Steven Tyler’s shoes.

This revelation dates back to 2009 when Tyler was undergoing rehab treatments for pain. Earlier that year, during a rendition of “Love In An Elevator” at Buffalo Chip Campground near Sturgis, SD, Tyler had a stage mishap, resulting in injuries to his neck and shoulder.

Sharing the surprising turn of events on The Dave Rickards Podcast, Daughtry recounted, “Out of the blue, I receive this call from Joe Perry.

Given the public discord between Joe and Steven, it was all over the media. At first, I mistook it for a prank. But Joe dived straight into his proposal, suggesting, ‘What about joining us on the road? We could even incorporate some of your tracks.’

“I was taken aback,” Daughtry continued. “I hold Steven in such high esteem that the mere thought of filling his shoes felt daunting. He’s truly irreplaceable. Moreover, with Steven still very much active, I couldn’t fathom risking any fallout with one of my idols. I had to decline Joe’s offer.”

Later that year, Tyler hinted at some personal ventures that would undoubtedly ruffle some feathers within the band. Perry, not much later, confirmed to Classic Rock about the band’s active search for a new lead. Expanding on the audition process, he mentioned to Billboard, “The emphasis will be more on compatibility than vocal prowess.”

However, by the end of it, Aerosmith unveiled their “Cocked, Locked, Ready to Rock Tour” with Tyler leading the charge.

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