
Deep Purple’s Roger Glover Hates Being Famous: ‘It Takes Away Your Life’

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Roger Glover of Deep Purple recently opened up about his aversion to fame in a candid interview with Spain’s Made In Metal. The veteran bassist revealed that despite his role in a renowned band, he values his privacy immensely, particularly due to the strain touring places on his family life.

Glover expressed discomfort with the concept of fame, emphasizing that it disrupts personal life and imposes significant challenges on those closest to him. He shared his perspective on the misguided pursuit of fame among young musicians, asserting that happiness should be prioritized over fame-seeking ambitions.

Reflecting on Deep Purple’s enduring success, Glover credited their refusal to emulate others and their willingness to pioneer with originality and risk-taking. He recalled the band’s early days, highlighting the impressive musicianship of his colleagues like Ritchie Blackmore and Jon Lord, which initially intimidated him.

Looking ahead, Deep Purple is set to release their new album ‘=1’ in July, with tour dates lined up including a performance at Madrid’s ALMA Occident Festival. Glover’s insights underscore his dedication to maintaining a balanced life amidst the demands of a legendary music career.

For those interested, the full interview with Roger Glover can be viewed below.

I'm Emma. I Love rock music, doing guitar reviews, and making food. I love writing works because it is the best way to provide information to people.

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