
Keith Richards Thinks Metallica and Black Sabbath Were “Great Jokes”

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In a chat with NY Daily News, the iconic Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards expressed his views on contemporary rock music. It’s quite something when someone from an earlier era weighs in on today’s tunes.

Richards mentioned, “To me, most of today’s rock music sounds monotonous. Many bands struggle with rhythm. It just seems to drone on without any real energy or excitement.”

Clearly, he has some favorite terms.

While it’s not uncommon for veterans to critique newer trends, Richards didn’t stop there. He touched upon heavy metal too, commenting, “There’s a huge fanbase for bands like Metallica and Black Sabbath. Personally, I found them amusing.”

Interesting perspective, isn’t it?

While I have immense respect for the Rolling Stones’ musical legacy — I even attended their Bridges to Babylon tour at the Giants Stadium — this kind of outlook is somewhat disappointing. Does Richards feel that the legacy bands like Sabbath and Metallica needed a different touch? Perhaps more flamboyance or an unexpected pop phase?

It’s a bit disheartening when a legendary musician looks down upon the very genres that might have been influenced by their work. Especially since Richards hasn’t been in the mainstream limelight for a while. But, everyone has their moments, and maybe this is just one of his.

On a side note, Keith didn’t spare rap either: “Rap music showed how many people are tone-deaf. Give them a beat, some loud vocals, and they’re content. It’s surprising how many can’t distinguish between musical notes.”

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