Philip H. Anselmo, renowned for his contributions to PANTERA and DOWN, was recently featured in Metal Hammer’s ‘Discs Of Doom’ series. In this series, artists reminisce about the albums that significantly impacted their lives.
When asked to name an album he believes shouldn’t exist, Anselmo pointed to METALLICA’s 1996 release Load. He expressed his disdain, stating, “I have to say ‘Load’ by METALLICA. It’s a dreadful record, my friend. I just can’t comprehend it. If they wanted to release something like that, they should have pursued a separate side project, you know?”
In terms of the album he wants to be remembered for, Anselmo selected PANTERA’s 1992 masterpiece, Vulgar Display Of Power, which achieved double-platinum status. He confidently stated, “I’m going with my gut instinct here: the first record that springs to mind is Vulgar Display Of Power. I believe there won’t be any disputes, and people will inherently understand why without any explanation whatsoever!”
Anselmo also disclosed that the first album he ever purchased was KISS‘ Alive. Reflecting on it, he shared, “I think it was KISS Alive. It’s highly underrated. When individuals delve into KISS’s extensive discography spanning over four decades, it might be somewhat cringe-worthy. However, that initial live recording possesses immense rock power and should not be disregarded.”