
Richie Sambora Gives The Green Light To Jon Bon Jovi

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Richie Sambora recently appeared on the ‘Shred With Shifty’ podcast and gave the green light to Jon Bon Jovi for a Bon Jovi reunion. When asked where he and Jon Bon Jovi currently stand with the reunion and if there is any progress, he replied:

“We’re talking about it. Yeah, it’s that [talking on the phone with Jon Bon Jovi], there’s a demand out there for it, you know, especially outside of the USA. I mean, we were a larger band [also] outside our own country and gladly.”

At the top of the year, Richie had also opened up about the reunion to People where he said:

“I’m hoping the end of March or beginning of April [to release solo music.] [And] we’re obviously talking about it [Bon Jovi reunion]. For me, I feel a spiritual obligation to the fans around the world.”

The guitarist had also spoken on the ‘Nights With Alice Cooper’ radio show this summer, where he shared that he’s ready to get back together with his former bandmate. Richie expressed:

“Nobody asked me yet. But I could do it tomorrow if they asked me.”

There aren’t any new solo releases from the guitarist just yet, but he shared with Shifty that he can’t be on the road months at a time like they used to back in the day. He explained:

“When you start doing shows like in Mumbai, and you go through places, you know what it was like, we just whizzed out for like 16 months, 18 months you guys did the same thing, and that’s a long way. So you try to get to as many places as you possibly can, visit, say hello to everybody, those are your friends, and that’s important to keep that going. But man, too much for me now, hey, I don’t know we’re talking about various amounts of things, and it’s just like if it feels good, you know?”

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