
Ringo Starr Tells The Story Of The Last Time He Saw John Lennon

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Everyone was greatly shocked by John Lennon’s sad demise, but especially his family and close friends. The Beatles stayed close to one another despite their dissolution as a band. They even collaborated on a few albums!

Ringo Starr discusses his last encounter with John Lennon in this video. Just a few weeks later, Mark David Chapman fatally murdered John Lennon in front of the apartment complex where he resided. You can see that Starr was still devastated by what had transpired. Furthermore, he queries the interviewer, “Do you want to stop that now?” Sadly, she declined, and we are unsure about how to feel about it.

It was very clear that Starr didn’t feel comfortable discussing the passing of John Lennon, who was both his buddy and his brother.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, he admitted that he last saw John Lennon in his New York City room at the Plaza Hotel on November 15. They were talking about their ambitions to start working together in the recording studio in January.

“And then the asshole appeared. There’s no understanding it. You think about it, but I’m telling you, you never understand it. The world has lost a wonderful man.”

It’s possible that watching him in this footage may bring tears to your eyes. It’s just too tragic.


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