
Robert Plant’s Huge Decision After The Near-Fatal Accident

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In 1975, the iconic rock singer Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin fame was vacationing with his family on the picturesque island of Rhodes in Greece. Their getaway took a harrowing turn when the car Robert was steering swerved off the road, resulting in a calamitous crash. While his children sustained only mild injuries, both Robert and his wife suffered grave damages.

As a consequence of this mishap, Robert was left nursing a fractured ankle and elbow. These injuries took an arduous two years to mend, even relegating him to a wheelchair for a period. This unfortunate series of events meant that Led Zeppelin had to defer their touring commitments for their recently released album, ‘Physical Graffiti.’

However, adversity only strengthened Robert’s spirit. Following his lengthy recovery, he made a triumphant return to the stage with Led Zeppelin. Speaking to Interview Magazine in 1977, he reflected on the profound impact of his near-fatal accident:

“Two years of uncertainty about my rock-n-roll future made me realize the value of health. Preparing for this comeback tour was monumental.”

He felt a renewed vigor and passion. Realizing he could once again grace the stage, he resolved to not just perform, but to outdo himself. In his words:

“I was bursting with inspiration. Knowing I could stand and perform once more filled me with determination. If I was to sing and dance again, I’d do it better than ever before. Nothing would hinder my spirit.”

A silver lining to this tragic episode was the fact that it later served as a defense for Led Zeppelin during a 2014 copyright dispute. The band was accused of plagiarizing Spirit’s ‘Taurus’ for their legendary hit, ‘Stairway to Heaven.’ Although both tracks bore some resemblance, Robert’s testimony played a role in swaying the verdict. Led Zeppelin emerged victorious when the court discerned that ‘Stairway To Heaven’ did not violate any copyright. During the trial, Robert remarked:

“Memory fails me regarding Spirit and many others over the years. My car crash has cast shadows over certain memories. I genuinely don’t recall ever witnessing Spirit perform.”

For further insights, delve into Robert Plant’s 1977 dialogue with Interview Magazine. Additionally, immerse yourself in the musical genius of ‘Stairway to Heaven’ and contrast it with ‘Taurus.’

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