
Rod Stewart Gives A Health Update After Sudden Show Cancelation

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Rod Stewart unexpectedly called off his recent Saskatoon concert. Via his Instagram account, Sir Rod posted a video where he delved into the reasons for the cancellation, expressing his sincere apologies.

The caption accompanying the video read:

“To the wonderful fans in Saskatoon, I deeply regret not making it the other night. Fingers crossed for another opportunity in the future. Currently in good health, I’m now headed to Ottawa. Huge thanks to Cheap Trick for taking over.”

In his video message, Rod highlighted the unforeseen vocal issue he faced, as well as expressed gratitude towards Cheap Trick who stepped in for him:

“To the dedicated fans in Saskatoon, it pained me not to show up the other night. Here’s what transpired. As I was prepping my voice, just an hour before showtime, it unexpectedly gave out. The doctor equated it to a temporary muscle strain or similar ailment. I truly regret missing out, especially when I was right there. Now, feeling better, I’m en route to Ottawa. A big shoutout to Cheap Trick for holding the fort. I’m optimistic about returning to perform for you all in the future. Accept my heartfelt apologies.”

This isn’t Rod’s debut in postponing Saskatoon gigs. Previously in September 2022, he delayed 6 shows until August 2023. Fans didn’t hold back on their disappointment on various platforms. A comment from a Reddit user expressed:

“It was a jaw-dropping moment when they made the announcement. After already waiting nearly a year from the initial date, this was a letdown. The audible boos post the second announcement depicted the collective dismay. But, the silver lining? A probable free Cheap Trick performance.”

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