
Roger Waters has re-recorded Pink Floyd album ‘Dark Side of the Moon’

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Roger Waters has disclosed that he has finished re-recording Pink Floyd’s eighth studio album ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’. And this was all a secret from his former bandmates.

In a recent interview with The Telegraph, Roger revealed that he has re-recorded the whole of ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’ and he also said that he hasn’t sought any permission from his former bandmates, David Gilmour and Nick Mason.

Waters said, “I wrote The Dark Side of the Moon, Let’s get rid of all this ‘we’ crap. Of course we were a band – there were four of us, we all contributed – but it’s my project and I wrote it, so, blah. I’m no copyright expert, but might there be some obstacles to that? I have no idea.”

When he was asked why he wanted to re-record that album, Waters explained that not enough people has recognized what the album is about. He also criticized his bandmates and said that they were not that great with the lyrics of the song.

“Well, Nick never pretended. But Gilmour and Rick? They can’t write songs, they’ve nothing to say. They are not artists. They have no ideas – not a single one between them. They never have had, and that drives them crazy.”

According to The Telegraph, the record is scheduled to be published in May.

David Gilmour and Roger Waters were both original members of the British progressive rock band, Pink Floyd. They collaborated until Roger Waters quit the band in 1985 over a creative and interpersonal disagreement with David Gilmour. Gilmour was prepared to play a more supportive role; Waters had long been the band’s inspiration. This eventually culminated in Waters seeking to exert greater control over the band and its music, which caused their collaborative partnership to break down.

Rogers also recently spoke at a UN Security Council Meeting and it was on the behalf of Russia. Seeing that, David’s wife Polly Samson tweeted, “Sadly, you are antisemitic to your rotten core. Also, a Putin apologist and a lying, thieving, hypocritical, tax-avoiding, lip-synching, misogynistic, sick-with-envy megalomaniac. Enough of your nonsense.”

In its response, Waters’ social media read, “Roger Waters is aware of the incendiary and wildly inaccurate comments made about him on Twitter by Polly Samson which he refutes entirely. He is currently taking advice as to his position.”

However, there was also a follow-up by Gilmour who wrote, “Every word demonstrably true.”

1 Comment

  1. Waters has lost it. He sounds like some high school little girl trying to make himself look good next to a cheerleader. As for his mutilation of Dark Side Of The Moon, a pathetic effort to be relevant by an unstable has been. Only old Floyd fans with totally fried brains would get it just because he put it out. As for his comments, there’s an old saying: It’s better to be silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.
    What an ass.

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