Led Zeppelin, who are renowned for their intense music, sometimes gave more weight to the musical parts than the lyrics. Robert Plant’s vocals, however, were unquestionably crucial in giving their songs life. Although Led Zeppelin albums seldom ever came with lyric sheets, a few songs stand out for their obscene and filthy nature. Here are five songs by Led Zeppelin featuring explicit lyrics.
The Lemon Song
“Do squeeze, squeeze me, baby, until the juice runs down my leg / The way you squeeze my lemon / I’m gonna fall right outta bed, bed, yeah.”
Plant’s lyrics kept pushing the envelope. He immediately borrowed the line, “squeeze my lemon / until the juice runs down my leg,” from Robert Johnson’s “Traveling Riverside Blues” for “The Lemon Song.” Even while the horrific images may have been more frightening in the 1960s, it still has the power to make people uncomfortable.
Whole Lotta Love
“Way, way down inside / I’m gonna give you my love / I’m gonna give you every inch of my love”
Plant used Willie Dixon’s words from the blues song “Whole Lotta Love,” but he added his own explicit spin. Even in the late 1960s, the vivid visuals and orgasmic shouts went beyond what was considered acceptable. But in addition to Jimmy Page’s powerful riff and the experimental psychedelic components, the song’s significance resided in more than simply its words.
Trampled Under Foot
“Gun down on my gasoline / Believe I’m gonna crack a head”
Plant was able to completely explore sexual euphemisms on the double album Physical Graffiti, which includes songs like “Custard Pie” and “The Wanton Song.” But the filthy lyrics of “Trampled Under Foot” make it stand out. There is minimal space for interpretation in Plant’s lyrics, such as the line “Gun down on my gasoline / Believe I’m gonna crack a head,” which shows his skill at deftly incorporating auto-related innuendos into the song.
Candy Store Rock
“Oh baby, baby, I like your honey and it sure likes me / Oh baby, baby, I got my spoon inside your jar.”
Plant departed from dark themes on songs like “Candy Store Rock” from the 1976 album Presence, which was noted for its heavy tone. The lyrics of the song depart from its benign meanings as Plant sings “Oh baby, baby” again and uses explicit language like “I like your honey and it sure likes me” and “I got my spoon inside your jar.” The album’s overall ferocity contrasts with the sensual tone.
Hot Dog
“I took her love at seventeen / A little late these days it seems / But they said heaven is well worth waiting for.”
Plant had already spoken about youthful love on “Sick Again,” but in the song “Hot Dog” from the album In Through the Out Door in 1979, he discussed a more contentious subject. Plant spoke of absorbing the love of a seventeen-year-old while still having a little daughter at home, sparking concerns about the propriety of such lyrics.