
The reason why Cream bassist Jack Bruce hated Led Zeppelin

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The rock world has seen its fair share of high praise and sharp critiques. Jack Bruce, the bass player from Cream, didn’t shy away from voicing his strong opinions about Led Zeppelin, particularly taking aim at Jimmy Page’s guitar skills. These comments came just as Led Zeppelin was gearing up for their highly anticipated 2007 reunion concert at the O2 Arena in London.

In a bold move in 2008, Jack Bruce minced no words, labeling Led Zeppelin as “rubbish” and confidently claiming that Cream was ten times better. His discontent was primarily directed at Zeppelin’s performance during their Celebration Day concert at the O2 Arena. Bruce argued that it paled in comparison to Cream’s extensive performance history, calling Zeppelin’s show a “disappointing gig” with modified tunes and unequivocally asserting Cream’s dominance.

Bruce later revealed that his remarks were partly in jest but affirmed that they held a kernel of truth. He felt a twinge of envy when Zeppelin headlined a tribute event for the iconic rock figure Ahmet Ertegun at the O2 Arena, a spot initially intended for Cream. Bruce felt that bands like Cream and Jimi Hendrix had paved the way for Zeppelin’s rise to fame.

Despite his stinging critique, Bruce didn’t withhold respect where it was due. He praised Robert Plant, Zeppelin’s lead vocalist, as one of the finest rock singers, yet he held that Eric Clapton outshone Jimmy Page in guitar prowess. Bruce playfully hinted that Zeppelin might do well with a different frontman, though he humorously contradicted himself by calling Plant an exceptional rock vocalist. Ultimately, Bruce recognized the boldness of his statements in critiquing a revered band like Led Zeppelin.

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