
The song that “Changed” Roger Waters life

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In the vast tapestry of musical legends, Bob Dylan shines brightly, with lyrics that touch the soul and a voice like no other. Yet, his influence casts a wide net, even catching unexpected admirers like Roger Waters, the former heartbeat of Pink Floyd.

During a 2012 heart-to-heart with Howard Stern, Waters revealed some intimate musings about his musical odyssey.

One point of contention was the age-old industry mantra advocating for songs to be radio-friendly for three to four minutes.

This unwritten law was believed to guarantee repeated radio spins, translating to more ears and sales. But Waters, in an unanticipated twist, delved into a Bob Dylan tale.

At the heart of this story was a particular Dylan track, ‘Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands’. Clocking in at over 11 minutes, Waters confesses that this melody was a game-changer for him.

Considering the stark contrasts between Dylan’s folk rhythms and Waters’ progressive rock vibes, this revelation is intriguing. But for Waters, it wasn’t the song’s style but its storytelling prowess that captured his imagination.

In Dylan’s bold move to craft such an expansive piece, Waters saw a challenge, thinking, “If Dylan can stretch boundaries, why can’t I?” For him, this wasn’t just an extended track but an entrancing musical odyssey that lured listeners deeper with every note.

Waters’ admiration for Dylan was multi-faceted. Throughout his illustrious career, he occasionally wooed fans with renditions of Dylan classics. His cover of ‘Knocking On Heaven’s Door’ even found a home in his 2002 collection, Flickering Flame.

However, true admiration also involves honest feedback. When Dylan unveiled his 2015 album, Shadows in the Night, an ensemble solely of Frank Sinatra covers, Waters candidly labeled the decision as “odd”.

In the grand scheme, the intertwined tales of Dylan and Waters spotlight the deep, transformative impact one artist can have on another. With epics like Pink Floyd’s 23-minute ‘Echoes’, it’s undeniable that Dylan’s touch added a new dimension to the world of rock music.

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