
Corey Taylor Responds To Rumors About His Dolly Parton Collab

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Corey Taylor recently spoke with Kerrang! Radio, addressing various queries on fandom, music creation, and bizarre tales circulating about him. Among these tales, there was an intriguing whisper involving the legendary Dolly Parton.

The whisper circulating was that Taylor was to collaborate with Parton on her new rock-inspired album titled ‘Rockstar.’ Taylor unveiled the truth behind the buzz:

“To be candid, I’ve been rumored to have met my demise four times. I’m not sure how any story can surpass that! When talk of Dolly’s rock album surfaced, my name mysteriously became linked. Intriguing as that collaboration might have been, there was never any ring on my phone. Not once.”

However, Dolly did reach out to another rock sensation, and Taylor expressed excitement over it, saying:

“Interestingly, Rob Halford is now onboard with her. There are a myriad of tales about me floating around, and while a handful might have a kernel of truth, I’ll neither confirm nor debunk them.”

The initial source of the whisper was Madhouse Magazine, which proudly labels itself as the pinnacle of rock ‘n’ roll comedy journalism. It’s evident that they lean into satire, given their headline, ‘Dolly Parton To Team Up With Metal Giants Slipknot.’ This, naturally, led to a whirlwind of confusion amongst the fanbases.

Although Corey Taylor has set the record straight, Dolly Parton’s take on this curious tale remains a mystery as she hasn’t issued any official response.

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