
Lindsey Buckingham would rejoin Fleetwood Mac “in a heartbeat”

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Lindsey Buckingham, known for his tenure with Fleetwood Mac until his departure in 2018, recently expressed his readiness to rejoin the iconic group if they extended the invitation.

The band’s future has been cast into uncertainty following the passing of Christine McVie in 2022. Stevie Nicks voiced reluctance to tour without McVie, emphasizing the irreplaceable void her absence would leave.

However, Buckingham hinted at a potential return during a conversation with Conan O’Brien on SiriusXM. Reflecting on his exit, he acknowledged the complexity of the situation and the differing perspectives within the band but refrained from assigning blame, attributing it to the nature of rock and roll.

Despite the disagreement that led to his departure, Lindsey Buckingham emphasized Fleetwood Mac’s resilience in overcoming significant challenges throughout their history. He lamented the decision to replace him with Mike Campbell and Neil Finn, suggesting it undermined the band’s legacy.

Nevertheless, Buckingham remains open to reconciliation, stating he would return “in a heartbeat” if given the opportunity. He expressed a desire to close this chapter on a more harmonious note, highlighting the potential for healing and a renewed collaboration.

While Mick Fleetwood previously declared Buckingham’s departure as permanent, Buckingham’s recent comments suggest a willingness to revisit his role within the band, should circumstances allow.

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