
Rick Allen Names The Real Heroes Behind Def Leppard’s Success

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Def Leppard is in the midst of their global tour and has launched an engaging vlog series on YouTube called ‘Behind The World Tour.’

In this series, they share insights into the concert planning, how the shows went, and their cherished memories. In the episode featuring ‘Syracuse & Columbus,’ lead singer Joe Elliott recalled a significant moment from their past:

“Exactly forty-four years ago, we signed our record deal. The day before that? We were at Knebworth, watching Led Zeppelin perform. And funnily enough, the deal was inked in Rick Allen’s parents’ kitchen since Rick, at fifteen, was too young to sign on his own.”

Rick Allen, in the same video, echoed Joe’s sentiments, emphasizing his family’s unwavering support:

“It’s true. Our first record deal was signed right there in my parents’ kitchen, 44 years ago. What many might not realize is the immense support we received from our families, especially during those early days. The enthusiasm and support from our parents made all the difference. That initial record deal was a dream come true for us, something many only dream of. So, a big shoutout to our parents and our loyal fans. Thank you for being with us on this journey.”

Rick has often spoken about his parents’ influence on his musical journey. In a 2020 chat, he revealed how his parents advised him to leave school and commit to Def Leppard once the band got their first record deal. In another interview, he recounted the story of his first drum kit:

“When I asked my parents for a drum set, they initially said they couldn’t afford it. But a week later, they made a deal: I’d do chores, and in return, they’d get me a drum kit on layaway, with the condition that I’d take drumming lessons. Sitting behind that drum kit felt right, and I took to it instantly. Their mantra to me was simple: ‘Believe in yourself.’ Their unwavering belief in me made all the difference.”

As of now, Def Leppard has wrapped up the third leg of their tour. They’re gearing up for their Japan and Australia concerts, which run from November 3 to November 14.

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