
Steven Tyler’s Aerosmith Career Might Be Over

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Steven Tyler, Aerosmith’s iconic frontman, has faced a series of challenges that have cast shadows over his illustrious career with the band.

Currently, Tyler is on the mend from a significant vocal cord injury. This setback prompted Aerosmith to postpone several shows on their goodbye tour. In a heartfelt message to his fans, Tyler expressed, “Deeply saddened, I must follow my doctor’s advice and avoid singing for the next month. After a mishap at our recent concert, my vocal cords suffered damage, leading to bleeding. We’re pushing back a few shows to ensure we return with the energy and performance you love.”

Further adding to the concerns, Steven Tyler is caught up in a legal storm tied to his contentious relationship in the 1970s with Julia Misley, who was then 16. In an effort to protect Tyler’s reputation, his attorneys have sought to dismiss a specific claim from Misley, that of intentional emotional distress linked to published memoirs. The defense argued that Tyler’s memoir comments were a part of his freedom of speech.

A look back to May 2022 revealed another challenge: Tyler had entered rehab after breaking a ten-year sobriety streak. This relapse was a result of taking pain medication post-foot surgery for Morton’s Neuroma. His bandmate, Joe Perry, commented on this setback to WBUR: “Life often throws curveballs. One can either wallow in the pain or navigate through it. The essence is to change what’s in our control and accept what isn’t. Things change, that’s a given. We’ve come to understand that in our journey together – accepting each other, flaws and all.”

Given the mounting challenges – his health, legal issues, and personal struggles – it’s uncertain what the future holds for Tyler’s journey with Aerosmith. The unfolding events might signify a turning point in his illustrious career. Only time will reveal the full story.

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