The ‘Adios Mofo ’23’ tour, which will be Ted Nugent’s final one, is set to begin on July 20th. Even though this is Nugent’s final structured tour, he discussed his post-tour intentions on The Nightly Nuge. The musician explained,
“It’s going to be not only the last tour of my life Keith, but I virtually guarantee the best tour of my life; I got some amplifiers. I got a new Blackstar amp, by the way. Blackstar has a new amplifier. It’s only 36 watts, and it’s just a screamer, so I’ve got all these apps that I’m experimenting with because it’s all about the sound; music is the sound you’re listening to it.”
Nugent also provided a preview of what viewers might anticipate from the program by revealing: “John [Sauter] tunes the bass guitar to a rich thunderous earth-shattering Richter scale sound, and Jason [Hartless] is on the drums. The drums are just mountainous outrage, and my guitar, I mean, I can hardly stand my guitar tone. It’s so rich and fat and reactive and responsive, so it’s going to be the last organized tour.”
The performer won’t stop appearing on stages even once the ‘Adios Mofo ’23’ tour is over, he added:
“I’ll still play gigs, we did a Ted Nugent Speakeasy at the Rattlesnake Roadhouse sold out for two nights in Walnut Spring, and it was an absolute 1959 rock n’ roll experimental adventure orgy of music, so there’ll still be some speakeasies going on.”
Fans may wait for the instrumental single “Butterfingers,” which Ted suggested when he announced the farewell tour, in the interim. The musician has stated:
“This is adios mofos. This is my last tour. Now while I always play music, I have got new records I’m going to make. I can’t wait to unleash some of these new songs. I got an instrumental called ‘Butterfingers’ that is just greasy; you can’t eat barbecue ever again adequately without the song ‘Butterfingers’ playing loud next to your brisket.”
The ‘Adios Mofo’ tour promotional episode and The Nightly Nuge episode may be seen below.