
Brian Johnson Hints At New AC/DC Studio Album

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AC/DC, the legendary Australian rock band, made a splash with their 2020 album ‘Power Up.’ Since then, there’s been little word on new projects, but lead singer Brian Johnson recently hinted at potential new work. In a chat on the Fuelling Around podcast, he shared his excitement about the band’s reunion for the Power Trip Festival, their first live performance since 2016, which could spark new music.

Johnson spoke about the challenges of bringing the band back together, as many crew members had moved on to other ventures.

Despite these hurdles, his optimism shone through. He emphasized the shared excitement among the band members, feeling that their creative energies are surging once again.

The Power Trip Festival, featuring AC/DC alongside rock icons like Ozzy Osbourne, Guns N’ Roses, and Metallica, is highly anticipated. Johnson is thrilled about the event, seeing it as a celebration of rock and roll’s enduring appeal.

He’s especially looking forward to reuniting with old friends and rocking out on stage, promising an unforgettable show in a stunning valley setting.

1 Comment

  1. Chris Hicks Reply

    From what I have read they have at least 10 albums of music they just need the lyrics.

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