
Geddy Lee Finally Confronts Alex Lifeson About Being Kicked Out Of Rush

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In an interview with The World Cafe, Geddy Lee shared his insights into a pivotal moment in the history of Rush, reflecting on the time he was temporarily removed from the band. This episode is detailed in his new memoir, ‘My Effin’ Life.’

The band’s early years were marked by lineup changes and managerial shifts, with Ray Danniels stepping in as their manager. A notable moment occurred when Lee was briefly replaced by Joe Perna, a decision influenced by Danniels. The move proved unsuccessful, leading to Lee’s quick return at the behest of drummer John Rutsey.

Lee recalls his shock upon learning about his dismissal from Lindy Young, who later became his brother-in-law. Despite the initial confusion, he felt vindicated when Rutsey invited him back, recognizing the new lineup’s failure. Lee’s friendship with Alex Lifeson, despite these events, remained strong.

In ‘My Effin’ Life,’ Lee humorously recounts questioning Lifeson about the circumstances of his temporary departure. Lifeson admitted to his passive role during that period, influenced by Rutsey’s dominant personality.

Lee’s reflections highlight the emotional complexity of recalling such events and the impact they have on relationships within a band. Looking forward, Lee is open to collaborating with Lifeson, whether in Rush or a new project. He remains noncommittal about Rush’s future, especially regarding a new drummer.

The memoir offers an intimate glimpse into Lee’s life and the early challenges faced by Rush. It is currently promoted through a tour across the UK and North America, with a few dates remaining.

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