A poet, singer, and songwriter, Jim Morrison was known for his wild personality and poetic lyrics. The legendary frontman of The Doors, Morrison is one of the most influential rockstars. Also known as ‘An American Poet’ Jim had great vocal and writing skills, which pushed him to write songs, poems, and books.
A little backstory, he was a passionate guy in terms of studying from an early age. He was also a rebellious young man and had a wild personality. According to Far Out Magazine, at school, he was a different person. He was also a bookworm and his English teacher recalled,
“Jim read as much and probably more than any student in the class, but everything he read was so offbeat I had another teacher (who was going to the Library of Congress) check to see if the books Jim was reporting on actually existed.”
His teacher also revealed that he was into the books of the 16th and 17th centuries. The teacher “suspected he was making them up, as they were English books on 16th and 17th-century demonology. I’d never heard of them, but they existed, and I’m convinced, from the paper he wrote, that he read them, and the Library of Congress would’ve been the only source.”
His legacy with The Doors was ahead of its time. Though The Doors struggled quite a time before rising in 1967. It was their debut album that led them to glory. When they released their follow-up, Strange Days in 1967 they were famous already. That’s when Morrison became known for his wild behavior. He also exposed himself during a 1969 performance in Miami. Later after a year, he was also convicted of indecent exposure.
That’s when he went to Paris with his partner Pamela Courson. Morrison died there and was buried without an autopsy. Despite his untimely death, he is still loved. It’s been over 50 years since his death and even back then during his days, he was aware of the changing art of music. His vision shared that there would be a rise of EDM in the future.
And now, Electronic Dance Music is very popular. With the electric beats, it has pretty much conquered the music industry. Morrison’s point of view predicted the future of music. In an interview with Rolling Stone in 1969, he made a statement, “A lot of people like Mozart were prodigies; they were writing brilliant works at very young ages.”
He continued, “That’s probably what’s going to happen: some brilliant kid will come along and be popular. I can see a lone artist with a lot of tapes and electrical, like an extension of the Moog synthesizer — a keyboard with the complexity and richness of a whole orchestra, you know? There’s somebody out there, working in a basement, just inventing a whole new musical form.”
“We’ll hear about it in a couple of years. Whoever it is, though, I’d like him to be really popular, to play at large concerts, not just be on records — at Carnegie Hall, to play at dances.”
Jim Morrison really did predict the future. He was just 25 during the interview. This was a foresight that is still absurd. EDM is now a worldwide sensation and also there is the rise of famous EDM creators every year. He saw the electronic elements of music and the production being more complicated. It’s quite hard to digest but he did predict that there would be DJs performing EDM in front of large crowds.
It’s sad how he couldn’t see his prediction come true. However, the surviving members of The Doors participated in the sterilization of Morrison’s prediction. John Densmore, the drummer for the band collaborated with Skrillex.
Watch a part of Jim Morrison’s 1969 interview with Rolling Stone down below.