Over the weekend, Sammy Hagar, the legendary singer from Van Halen, and Nancy Wilson, the iconic guitarist from Heart, delivered a mesmerizing rendition of Pink Floyd’s classic hit ‘Comfortably Numb’. This special performance took place at the 21st edition of Alice Cooper’s Christmas Pudding concert, held at the Celebrity Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona, on Saturday night, December 9th.
This annual charity event supports Alice Cooper’s Solid Rock Teen Centers in Phoenix and Mesa, offering free vocational training to teens in various aspects of the music industry, including sound and recording, lighting and staging, and video production.
During the event, Hagar and Wilson took the stage together, with Wilson on guitar and both sharing vocals for ‘Comfortably Numb’, including the iconic guitar solo originally played by David Gilmour. Backed by the Nashville-based band Sixwire, the duo captivated the audience with their performance.
After the show, Hagar shared a clip of their performance online, expressing his excitement and gratitude: “For the first time, I played that solo on one of my all-time favorite songs last night. A huge thank you to Nancy Wilson for having me and for the beautiful harmonies.”
The concert also featured Alice Cooper with a seven-song set that included ‘Run Rudolph Run’. Wilson showcased some of Heart’s hits like ‘These Dreams’ and ‘Even It Up’, and Hagar performed a solo set including the Van Halen hit ‘Finish What Ya Started’. Additionally, Quiet Riot energized the crowd with their performances, including their famous Slade covers and other hits.